Our History

Atoll Beauties was established in 2001 and has since emerged as an industry leader. Several thousand of its seed clams and juveniles have been successfully shipped to the USA and Europe for the Marine Aquarium Trade. A further twenty thousand high-grade aquarium clams have been sent to Germany, France, and Italy.

The market for aquarium giant clams has boomed since farming technology developed in the early 80s. Aquarium enthusiasts desperate for sustainable marine reef products have not been able to obtain even a small percentage of their requirement, so today the international market remains completely unsatisfied.

Atoll Beauties has constantly increased production capacity in order to satisfy the demand, resulting in the farm tripling its capacity in the last 2 years.

Fair Trade Farming

An important part of the operations is the relationship between the farm and the surrounding communities.

In addition to the main hatchery and the land-based nursery system, Atoll Beauties also established ocean grow out systems in outer islands of Kiribati. These giant clam mariculture clam grow out farms are managed by the local communities.

This pilot project received an excellent response in two villages on the island of Abaiang. The communities involved have proven themselves committed and willing to dedicate the time and effort to successfully farm giant clams for the aquarium market.

We are determined to expand this popular social enterprise to other island communities in Kiribati.

We have also just completed a second clam farm in North Tarawa. This new production facility will employ women from the local community to operate and maintain the farm, as well as young men, who will be in charge of all underwater activities.

The employment opportunities that giant clam farming has brought to the outer island people of Kiribati, has had a direct and meaningful impact on the economic development of these communities.

Our Supporters

We would like to thank our supporters who have incredible helped us over the years.

Technical support

Jamie Whitford, Beero Tioti, Bateriki Neneia and the massive contribution of Romain Foki.

Financial assistance

Atoll Beauties appreciates the valuable and timely support of New Zealand Aid willing to take that first great step and support Atoll Beauties and Outer Island communities in the first community clam farming operation that commenced in 2008.

The German Embassy of Auckland New Zealand to assist the further development of outer island community farming operations.


Kiribati Fisheries, Ministry of Marine Resources.

Taiwan Technical Mission to Tarawa.


Pacific Communities (SPC).

Trade development and climate adaptation.

South Pacific Trade and Investment Commission, Sydney.

Trade Development and Climate Change Adaptation

EU-IACT – Increasing Agricultural Commodity Trade